So, in case you haven't noticed, I deleted my Facebook. It will most likely be temporary. It was draining me emotionally. I really needed a break.
It seemed like everytime I made a comment on anything, someone had something smart to say. I mean, why are people so defensive online? They know for a fact that they wouldn't have that much "courage" face to face! You can read CNN or Yahoo message boards and it's the same type of thing. People always want to have something negative to say about someone else. Can we not have a normal, friendly, healthy discussion online about anything without people being offended or just plain out being immature about it?!
I deactivated my Facebook account and the Facebook people really do a good job about making you feel guilty about it. The screen after you try to deactivate shows random friend's pictures and says these people are going to miss me. I don't think any of those people's worlds will stop just because I am not on Facebook. Anyway, if you are a real friend then obviously you will know how to reach me outside of Facebook.
It is hard to stay off of Facebook though, for many reasons. 1. I have subscribed to other websites like and guess what? I use my Facebook to log in. I use my Facebook to log in to, also. 2. I realize I uploaded all my pictures to Facebook and I can't look at or show those pictures without logging in. 3. I just really am/was addicted to it. It was getting to where it was the first thing I did in the morning and the last thing I did at night. All day and even in my dreams, I would be constantly thinking of status updates. If I heard a song, I might think "Hey, that will be my status." I just HAD to know what my 3rd cousin's baby daddy's other baby mama was up to. I don't even know them!! I am just way too nosy on there.
Facebook can be a GREAT and useful tool for communicating. But it can also be a terrible addiction.
Sounds like maybe you needed a facebook vacation. :) Actually, funnily enough when I stumbled across your blog (through another blog I read regularly) I thought 'hmm.. her name seems familiar'... and then later, I had gone back to Facebook which I had open in another tab and saw you'd commented on one of wspa's stories, and I'd read your comment (I hadn't replied) a few hours before the first time I read your blog! It was definitely a 'it's a small world' moment.