In the 7th grade, I had a childish feud with a girl a year older than me. It was over a boyfriend. You know when you are in middle school, everything seems so serious. You think you are grown-up. I don't know exactly what happened to make us argue. I do know there was several mean letters exchanged back and forth.
My whole life, anytime I would think of this person, I would think mean thoughts. I never stopped disliking her. I never came across her again so everything I knew about her, I knew from middle and high school.
Then came the Facebook age. I don't remember if she friended me or I friended her. I do remember that I friended her so I could be nosy. That's all Facebook is about anyways. Well, it turns out I actually liked her! She seemed to have a lot in common with me. I enjoyed her statuses and her picture updates. I no longer disliked her. I really really liked her! It's amazing how childhood rivalries can follow you to adulthood.
Recently, I found out that my friend has been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. It really breaks my heart. It also makes me feel a bit guilty for ever having a bad thought about her, even though we were kids. It amazes me her strength and her attitude. She doesn't feel sorry for herself. She is an amazing mother to her 2 kids. She really is my hero.
She had surgery on her legs recently due to the cancer. She has trouble getting up and down her stairs at home. Her husband started a page to raise money to purchase a chair lift for her. I can't imagine being trapped in the downstairs of my house...not being able to sleep in the bed with my husband or help my kids to bed. I want to post a link to her page in hopes that everyone will find it in their heart to help her....even five bucks will help. I guarantee that she will appreciate every cent!
Here is the site, I can't figure out how to post a link:

My Baby Loves & I
Thursday, August 25, 2011
My Haters Are My Motivators!
Hating is the way overused street word for jealousy. I really don't like to use the word "hater" in a regular conversation. I think it is a stupid word in general. Most of the people who use it are nobody worth "hating" on. I mean, what is there to "hate" about someone who lives off of their mama, has many missing teeth, has 4 or more baby daddies, etc? Those are the type of people who use that word in a serious sentence. REALLY?
Okay, so if you repeatedly use the word in seriousness or you REALLY believe everyone is hating on you, then you may be offended by this post. You may even now have more of a reason to think I am hating on you. Your haters are making you famous, right? Sorry, but just because someone talks about you, doesn't mean they are haters. It means you say or do stupid things that make people talk about you. (P.S. Everyone is "famous" in a small town like Woodruff.)
The people worth hating on, are the ones who would never use the word hater. They would just keep doing what they do that makes you hate them, and are probably not even focused enough on you to even notice that you are hating on them. If I'm going to hate on (be jealous of) someone, trust me, it's going to be directed toward someone doing better in life than me. I tend to hate on stay at home moms or college graduates. It doesn't mean I don't like you, it means I am jealous that you have those things going on and I don't. It's possible that those people "hate on" me for different things. It doesn't matter to me. We all have things we wish we could change about our lives. I don't care or even want to know that people are jealous of me. Walk on my side of this green grass for 24 hours and your perception of me would change. That goes for anyone.
Lately, I have come across a good bit of haters in my life. And these aren't your normal everyday haters, these are people who really can't stand to see someone doing better than them. It's like it really keeps them up at night. They will turn to manipulation and trash talking to bring you down. It is really important that you figure these people out fast before they do any damage. The worst ones are the ones who masquerade as your friend. Then they go out of their way to expose your flaws to others, all the while still acting as a friend. My goal as of right now, is to eliminate any of these false friends from my life. I no longer want or need to be associated with people who want me to fail. I do thank you, haters, for the time that you have given me your undivided attention!
From now on, if I don't particularly like you, I am not going to pretend like I do. I am going to be polite and respectful to you but I am not going to engage in anything beyond small talk with you. I am tired of my words being exaggerated or twisted or added to and then repeated to others. There is no way that can happen if I don't even talk to you. So, don't come to me and talk to me about anyone else and try to suck me in your hating game of bringing others down. I have a limited amount of friends and they know who they are. Other than those select people, I will no longer be conversating with anyone.
I hope this doesn't come off as a HATEful post, but sometimes it's the best way to be. The more people that hate me, the less I have to please!!!
Okay, so if you repeatedly use the word in seriousness or you REALLY believe everyone is hating on you, then you may be offended by this post. You may even now have more of a reason to think I am hating on you. Your haters are making you famous, right? Sorry, but just because someone talks about you, doesn't mean they are haters. It means you say or do stupid things that make people talk about you. (P.S. Everyone is "famous" in a small town like Woodruff.)
The people worth hating on, are the ones who would never use the word hater. They would just keep doing what they do that makes you hate them, and are probably not even focused enough on you to even notice that you are hating on them. If I'm going to hate on (be jealous of) someone, trust me, it's going to be directed toward someone doing better in life than me. I tend to hate on stay at home moms or college graduates. It doesn't mean I don't like you, it means I am jealous that you have those things going on and I don't. It's possible that those people "hate on" me for different things. It doesn't matter to me. We all have things we wish we could change about our lives. I don't care or even want to know that people are jealous of me. Walk on my side of this green grass for 24 hours and your perception of me would change. That goes for anyone.
Lately, I have come across a good bit of haters in my life. And these aren't your normal everyday haters, these are people who really can't stand to see someone doing better than them. It's like it really keeps them up at night. They will turn to manipulation and trash talking to bring you down. It is really important that you figure these people out fast before they do any damage. The worst ones are the ones who masquerade as your friend. Then they go out of their way to expose your flaws to others, all the while still acting as a friend. My goal as of right now, is to eliminate any of these false friends from my life. I no longer want or need to be associated with people who want me to fail. I do thank you, haters, for the time that you have given me your undivided attention!
From now on, if I don't particularly like you, I am not going to pretend like I do. I am going to be polite and respectful to you but I am not going to engage in anything beyond small talk with you. I am tired of my words being exaggerated or twisted or added to and then repeated to others. There is no way that can happen if I don't even talk to you. So, don't come to me and talk to me about anyone else and try to suck me in your hating game of bringing others down. I have a limited amount of friends and they know who they are. Other than those select people, I will no longer be conversating with anyone.
I hope this doesn't come off as a HATEful post, but sometimes it's the best way to be. The more people that hate me, the less I have to please!!!
Friday, August 5, 2011
My Lone Star Baby
My youngest brother, his girlfriend, and their ADORABLE little baby boy, Shawn Avery, are here from Texas. It was exactly 7 months ago when I was in Texas waiting to see him after he was born. We have so much to catch up on! I have ten days to find everything out from him...first I have to teach him to talk though. :) I love my nephew!
The day he was born (January 4th, 2011):I LOVE ALL OF MY BABIES
(Cameron, Kansas, Cassidy, Emma, and Shawn Avery)!!!!
The day he was born (January 4th, 2011):I LOVE ALL OF MY BABIES
(Cameron, Kansas, Cassidy, Emma, and Shawn Avery)!!!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's a Boy!!!
We have a new member of our family. His name is Chewy and he is a miniature Dachshund. He is the sweetest little thing!!
I Like It, I Love It...I Want Some More Of It!!
This has been the absolute greatest birthday I have ever had in my life!
A few months ago, I jokingly posted a status on my FB wall that said:
"Dear Darroll Howard Jr, Brandon Howard, Jeremy Scott Howard: I will not be at all offended if you guys go into together & buy me some Tim McGraw tickets for my birthday coming up soon. ;) I don't even care what row it is in. Thanks in advance, Your Loving Sister. Hahahaha!"
Well, my brother, D.J. called my phone and said he was buying me tickets!! I had to see Tim in Raleigh because it was the closest show that was on a Friday, which is my only day off. So, I planned a Girl's Road Trip for my birthday!
We planned to leave at 12, even though the concert wasn't until 7, so we could stop somewhere and eat. Of course, leave it to us females to NEVER leave on time. I decided last minute that I wanted my hair cut. I hadn't had it cut in over a year (or more!) and how did I expect to steal Tim away from Faith if I wasn't looking my best?? So, of course we were running late. It wasn't just my fault though. 3 out of 4 of us girls going was late. Thanks to Larissa for being the only one on time! :) Terri and Jennifer were running late. Terri always runs late; we have that in common!!
I got home from getting my hair cut and I LOST my tickets! So, of course I started panicking and tearing the house down. Then, I FINALLY found the same place I had left them and looked for them in the beginning.
So, we got on the road about 2 or 3.
We stopped in Charlotte and ate dinner at Big Daddy's Burger Bar which was FANTASTIC by the way!Now, the Sunday before this concert, I had went to Myrtle Beach to meet my cousin, Sheila. I was rushing to get off work Sunday afternoon so I could get to MB by 8:30 to see the Pirate's Voyage dinner show. Well, for some reason, my whole brain switched from the concert starting at 7 to the concert starting at 8:30. I started thinking we had an extra hour and a half.
Well, the GPS sent us the rural route for some reason. We had originally planned to arrive in Raleigh early, check in the hotel, and get freshened up for the concert. But, the GPS moved our E.T.A. up to right at 8:30.
So, over half way there, I decide to check my e-mail just to re-read the details of where to park, etc and I couldn't believe it. I felt the blood drain from my face. I about busted out crying! THE CONCERT STARTED AT 7, NOT 8:30!!! How in the HECK did I get that mixed up!?
Needless to say, we missed the opening acts (Band Perry and Luke Bryan). We arrived just in time for Tim Mcgraw (he came on at 8:45). So, the day was saved. Tim had broken his foot that day so he kept having to leave the stage because he was in pain and the opening acts came back out and played while he was it still worked out!
We had such an amazing time!! Despite being followed by drunken losers. This guy fell on the hand rail and busted his head. I took this picture! How about them quick reflexes I have!? He jumped right back up like nothing happened!We had to take our own group photo because everyone else was too intoxicated to do it. Pretty good pic though!
I had one of the greatest times of my life...I can't remember laughing so hard!! Thank you to my girls who went with my on this trip. I love you guys!!!!
A few months ago, I jokingly posted a status on my FB wall that said:
"Dear Darroll Howard Jr, Brandon Howard, Jeremy Scott Howard: I will not be at all offended if you guys go into together & buy me some Tim McGraw tickets for my birthday coming up soon. ;) I don't even care what row it is in. Thanks in advance, Your Loving Sister. Hahahaha!"
Well, my brother, D.J. called my phone and said he was buying me tickets!! I had to see Tim in Raleigh because it was the closest show that was on a Friday, which is my only day off. So, I planned a Girl's Road Trip for my birthday!
We planned to leave at 12, even though the concert wasn't until 7, so we could stop somewhere and eat. Of course, leave it to us females to NEVER leave on time. I decided last minute that I wanted my hair cut. I hadn't had it cut in over a year (or more!) and how did I expect to steal Tim away from Faith if I wasn't looking my best?? So, of course we were running late. It wasn't just my fault though. 3 out of 4 of us girls going was late. Thanks to Larissa for being the only one on time! :) Terri and Jennifer were running late. Terri always runs late; we have that in common!!
I got home from getting my hair cut and I LOST my tickets! So, of course I started panicking and tearing the house down. Then, I FINALLY found the same place I had left them and looked for them in the beginning.
So, we got on the road about 2 or 3.
We stopped in Charlotte and ate dinner at Big Daddy's Burger Bar which was FANTASTIC by the way!Now, the Sunday before this concert, I had went to Myrtle Beach to meet my cousin, Sheila. I was rushing to get off work Sunday afternoon so I could get to MB by 8:30 to see the Pirate's Voyage dinner show. Well, for some reason, my whole brain switched from the concert starting at 7 to the concert starting at 8:30. I started thinking we had an extra hour and a half.
Well, the GPS sent us the rural route for some reason. We had originally planned to arrive in Raleigh early, check in the hotel, and get freshened up for the concert. But, the GPS moved our E.T.A. up to right at 8:30.
So, over half way there, I decide to check my e-mail just to re-read the details of where to park, etc and I couldn't believe it. I felt the blood drain from my face. I about busted out crying! THE CONCERT STARTED AT 7, NOT 8:30!!! How in the HECK did I get that mixed up!?
Needless to say, we missed the opening acts (Band Perry and Luke Bryan). We arrived just in time for Tim Mcgraw (he came on at 8:45). So, the day was saved. Tim had broken his foot that day so he kept having to leave the stage because he was in pain and the opening acts came back out and played while he was it still worked out!
We had such an amazing time!! Despite being followed by drunken losers. This guy fell on the hand rail and busted his head. I took this picture! How about them quick reflexes I have!? He jumped right back up like nothing happened!We had to take our own group photo because everyone else was too intoxicated to do it. Pretty good pic though!
I had one of the greatest times of my life...I can't remember laughing so hard!! Thank you to my girls who went with my on this trip. I love you guys!!!!
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